Monday, July 20, 2009

Cups and Cakes (maybe)

This is a trial cinnamon roll for the bakery. I think this is the biggest thing I have ever attempted to do in my life. Not making a cinnamon roll, but opening a bakery. If this all goes through, the name may be Cups and Cakes.
I will be serving coffee and all kinds of pastries. I will also be making cakes and cupcakes. Hopefully this will be a place where people can come for a little quiet time before work, school, and just because you need it. This will totally be a God thing. Lots of things have to fall into place for this to happen. If God does not want this for me, then I don't want it. I have to have the blessing of God on this. If it is going to change anything about me for the worse, I don't want to do this. I'm not scared of the work, just nervous about the business taking off. Most of you know I love to cook. This will be an awesome thing!!! If all goes through, everybody come to Cups and Cakes.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Anniversary Day

Today is our anniversary. I'm sure all you visitors know this already. Today has basically been just another day. Well pretty much a crappy day. Don had a lady back out on the sale of a house. He has been down about it, so have I. We have been married for 25 years today. Where has the time gone? Children and a grandson, and one on the way. People I am not this old.My mind says I'm not but my body says I am. Help Dr. Scanland!!! Anyway, although this day has been terrible, and there have been others, there have been more happy days than not. For all of you who think I can't do this anymore, hang in. Think of all the good days!!! God has done so much for us. We do have a story. It has unfolded over the past 25 years. Our story is still in progress, because as I have said before, we never arrive at the perfect marriage.I guess you can compare marriage to a trip. Looking forward in anticipation to the trip is half the fun to me. Once you get there you have a blast while you are there, then you have to come home. And your trip is over. If you count your marriage as a journey, and don't ever arrive, the anticipation will always be there. Always look forward to the next day, and the next, and the next. Always take God on this journey with you. You cannot survive without him. Take time for eachother. We are learning this still after 25 years. Kaitlin will be gone soon and then its just us. Be sure you like eachother at this point.Cause you are all eachother has. Ha!! Well I don't know if Don reads this blog, but if he does Happy Anniversary!!! Love You !!!! Be Blessed all you visitors!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Very Busy June

We 've had and still have lots of stuff going on in June. As of today, the VW Visitor Center is finished. A press conference was held there today. Hopefully more things coming from VW. Next, Mason will be 1 year old tomorrow. The time has flown. He has been so much fun this past year. His personality is great. I hope he continues to be his funny little self. I am finally getting in the groove of this baby stuff again, after 15 years. Now we have another one on the way. Wow!!!
I'm wondering if there is another one of me out there somewhere to help me keep up. And I'm thinking about opening a bakery. Am I kidding!!!
Also on June 30th Don and I have been married for 25 years. Thats another Wow!!! That time really has flown. You see some couples and say, I don't know how she stays married to him or how he stays married to her. I say, God has somebody for everybody. I'm glad Don was my somebody.Only he could have the patience he has had with me. Of course that goes the other way around too. Ha!! This 25 years has been a journey. One I hope to continue for many, many more. We will never arrive at the perfect marriage, but getting there is fun. We have been so blessed. Thank you God for Don and all the gifts you have blessed us with in 25 years.
God is Good!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tortillia Pie

This recipe was found after I decided not to eat meat. It is awesome. Its pretty simple after you make it one time.

Tortillia Pie

1 can of refried beans
1 cup of salsa divided
1 can of black beans
1 clove of garlic (minced)
1/2 cup of chopped tomatoes
7- 8 inch flour tortillias
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

In one bowl stir black beans, tomatoes and 1/4 cup of the salsa. In another bowl stir refried beans, garlic and 3/4 cup of the salsa. Place in a pie plate, 1 flour tortillia shell, spread some of the refried bean mixture on the shell. Go to the edges of shell. Top with 1/4 cup of the cheese.Cover with another shell. Then spread some of the black bean mixture on this shell to the edge. Top with 1/4 cup of cheese. Repeat layering two more times.Top layer will be a shell. Cover with aluminum foil and bake on 400 degrees for 40 minutes. When its done remove foil and cut into pie pieces. Serve with sour cream and salsa. This is so yummy and not real expensive. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

God Is Good

I know some of you visiting already know about the VW job Don got. He is building the visitor center on site. This started out being sponsored by VW, then the City of Chattanooga got involved. They found a $200,000.00 grant and decided to use that money for the center. Anyway, this has been such a long process.He has been working on the paper work for months. It has been said by other contractors that he will fail at this. They don't know him very well. They don't know God very well either. God gave Don this job. No houses have sold in months. God has totally provided for us. I have learned that I can live alot cheaper than I used to. Not that I am a big shopper, but I do like to go and do. Don takes care of our bills and my job at the church has gotten us through the small stuff. (Like food). Ha!! Anyway my hats off to Don!!! Mostly praise to God!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Snickerdoodle Cookies

I can't believe its been a week since I have been on here. Been kinda busy this week. Small lunch and dinner for 50 at the Tennis Banquet. I have nothing on my calendar for this week. Maybe I can cook for my family some this week. Since I am baking snickerdoodles I thought I would share the recipe.

Snickerdoodle Cookies

1 cup crisco
1 1/2 cups sugar (mix these 3 ingredients together)
2 eggs

2 3/4 cups plain flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. vanilla

Add these ingredients to top three ingredients. Mix well.. Dough will be thick.

Put 1 tsp. of cinnamon and 1/4 cup of sugar in a sandwich bag. Roll cookie dough into a 1 inch ball, put in bag . Shake until coated .Place on cookie sheet and press dough down a little. Bake on 375 for 11 minutes. Remove from cookie sheet carefully. They are still soft. Put on cooling rack. They are really good when they are hot.

Tip: When you store these cookies, put a piece of bread in the container. It will keep the cookies soft. I learned this from Andrea Ridge. It works!!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Recipe for dip from Mothers Day Luncheon

I really didn't think this dip or (spread) would be that big of a hit. It is so simple. It has a little kick, so kids probably won't like it. My cousin gave me the recipe but there is no name. I will have to come up with an appropriate name. Hope you enjoy!!!!

2- 8 ounce cream cheese
1-cup of mayonaise
1/2- cup of shredded parmesean cheese
1- small can of green chillies drained
1-tsp or more if you like of chopped jalepenos

Mix together with a mixer and pour into a shallow dish. Spread out evenly and bake on 350 for about 20 minutes. Serve with bagel chips.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Savings Today

Ok. I am so excited about $4.77 for 12 rolls of toilet paper. Even at Walmart its almost $8.00. I may go again tomorrow and do it again. You can never have too much toilet paper. I'm going to Publix tomorrow. I've always known about coupons, but never really knew how to work the system. All you girls who didn't attend the session last night, just ask somebody who did. Hopefully we can fill you in. Anyway I saved $11.83 today. Pretty good for the first day. I probably won't post my savings everytime, but the rush at first is addictive. Happy Savings to You All!!!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Something To Think About

This is for all the ladies who try and try to lose weight and can never get anywhere. Well I hate to exercise, so that is not how I try to keep weight off. First of all. I don't eat meat. I'm sure that has nothing to do with losing weight. I try to eat one meal a day. Sometimes that is not possible. If I am going to eat more in one day, I cut my portions way back. It's all a mind thing anyway. It gets expensive to eat healthy. Chicken, salad stuff, fat free dressings, baked chips, and lots more do cost more than just regular stuff. No wonder America is overweight. Who can afford it... Well most of my recipes are not healthy friendly, so just cut back on your portions and you'll be okay.This is a popular recipe at the Oscai house. One of Scott and Beths favorites.So here goes.....

Chicken Rotel 4 0r 5 people

3 chicken breasts
1 box of angelhair pasta---use about 3/4 of the box
3/4 stick of butter
1 med onion
1 med bell pepper
1 can mild diced rotel
1 TBSP worcestershire sauce
1 med package of velveeta cheese

Boil chicken til done. Cook pasta in chicken broth til done. In a skillet, melt butter and add
chopped onion and chopped bell pepper. cook til soft. Add rotel and worcestershire sauce. Cook for about 5 minutes.
Drain pasta and chop your chicken. In a 9x13 casserole dish add chicken, pasta, onion and pepper mixture and cubed velveeta. Stir together and bake for 30 minutes on 350. Now most kids don't like the onion and pepper crap so do them a dish of chicken, noodles and cheese. Pretty sure they will eat this. Serve with salad and bread. You can eat on this for a couple of days.Enjoy!!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Something To Think About

Do you moms ever feel like this?....Your husband wants to go somewhere. He just goes. No children to tend to, minimal questions asked... Then you want to go somewhere. Preparations are made days, weeks, months ahead of time for the children. Somebody to watch them during the day, night, and also if your husband wants to do something during that time also. Seems a little out of whack if you ask me. Am I the only one of these moms?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And So It Begins

Well, today is the first day of The Oscai Blog. Not that we have that much of an interesting life, but I think it will be fun . I plan to post recipes and hopefully some helpful tips. You will be well informed of things that Kaitlin, Mason , and the new baby do. Hope you enjoy checking us out.