Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Very Busy June

We 've had and still have lots of stuff going on in June. As of today, the VW Visitor Center is finished. A press conference was held there today. Hopefully more things coming from VW. Next, Mason will be 1 year old tomorrow. The time has flown. He has been so much fun this past year. His personality is great. I hope he continues to be his funny little self. I am finally getting in the groove of this baby stuff again, after 15 years. Now we have another one on the way. Wow!!!
I'm wondering if there is another one of me out there somewhere to help me keep up. And I'm thinking about opening a bakery. Am I kidding!!!
Also on June 30th Don and I have been married for 25 years. Thats another Wow!!! That time really has flown. You see some couples and say, I don't know how she stays married to him or how he stays married to her. I say, God has somebody for everybody. I'm glad Don was my somebody.Only he could have the patience he has had with me. Of course that goes the other way around too. Ha!! This 25 years has been a journey. One I hope to continue for many, many more. We will never arrive at the perfect marriage, but getting there is fun. We have been so blessed. Thank you God for Don and all the gifts you have blessed us with in 25 years.
God is Good!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh....love your post, Paula! So special to see you guys growing closer...I love that line..."we will never arrive at the perfect marriage, but getting there is fun...." Everyone should feel that way about their spouse and their marriage!

  2. What a great post. Happy Anniversary. I am sure time flies and before I know it I might be posting about my grand babies first birthday.
