Thursday, April 30, 2009

Something To Think About

Do you moms ever feel like this?....Your husband wants to go somewhere. He just goes. No children to tend to, minimal questions asked... Then you want to go somewhere. Preparations are made days, weeks, months ahead of time for the children. Somebody to watch them during the day, night, and also if your husband wants to do something during that time also. Seems a little out of whack if you ask me. Am I the only one of these moms?


  1. Preach, girl!!! It is so not fair. One of these days, I'm just gonna disappear without even telling him I'm leaving. Can't wait for the recipes! I desperately need new things to fix.

  2. haha... that's how it seems with my parents, for sure! and my mom even always packs for my dad. (that's probably her fault :) )

    **welcome to blog world! I'm really excited to keep up with the family more!!! **

  3. So is the story of my life. Glad to see you blogging and looking forward to some yummy recipes.

  4. I can relate to that!!! Its so easy for them to just leave and never understand what we have to go thru when we want to go somewhere. But I'm going on a girls trip in Oct so Scott will have the kids to himself... can't wait!!! I'm so glad you started a blog! I'm also looking forward to your recipes and tips. How about mini-cupcakes? Ever made those. Can't imagine they'd be hard... may call you soon.
